
Welcome to Bee-Yard Quilts

My name is Patricia and I am originally from Yorkshire in the UK. 

My husband and I along with our Brittany Spaniel "Reggie" have recently moved from Ontario to New Brunswick. 

I was just a young girl when my mother taught me how to sew using a Singer treadle sewing machine. So I have sewn and my love of fabrics and colour has developed over many years. I have mastered tailoring and custom drapery and completed courses in Colour and Design as an Interior Decorator but my greatest enjoyment is when I am designing and machine sewing quilts.

I create a design for the quilt I want to make and then find just the right fabric with colours and patterns to suit the design. The intricate piecing of the fabric to create the design and then the final machine quilting of the pieced quilt steps up the excitement as I continue working.The final completion of a quilt with the lovely fabrics and colours is very rewarding. Soft gentle colours create a calm and soothing effect while more bright and vibrant colours can create a happy and stunning effect.

I have also completed a number of fibre/fabric art pieces to add to my collection of quilts. I usually create my picture from a photograph that I have taken myself. 
